Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Holy Fuck!

Bjork's new music video:

....The directors took shrooms before they created it. Hear the New York Times reporter's shocked awkward laughter after this confession was made here.

And find the rest of Bjork's videos here. I can't wait until we can see this in higher-resolution.


Dave said...

Hi Steven,
Would you give me permission to create and perform a monologue that is inspired by your experiences with AIDS in South Africa? This Friday night in Kalamazoo, I am part of an art show where about 30 talented artists are donating their paintings to a silent auction. 100% of the money from their sales will be donated to World Vision's care of AIDS orphans in Africa. The entire art show is being done to raise awareness af the crisis there and invite people into action. We expect over 500 people to attend: the arts community and art lovers in Kzoo, and students from Western Michigan University. (Upper level students from WMU's art department have created the art, and our showing is at the Henderson Castle. I work on campus with the student who created the show) I was asked to give a monologue during the viewing and, as I helped put up the art, was inspired by how some of your thoughts perfectly fit one of the paintings that portrays AIDS in Africa as the elephant in the room that nobody's talking about. My monologue is a paraphrase of some of your experiences with AIDS. I could credit you at the end of the piece, or not, depending on what you wanted. It's this Friday and ideally, I'd preview a dry run of it at a dress rehearsal tonight. Thanks for considering- I think your ideas could captivate the audience and make them want to respond to the crisis. -Dave

Steven Blum said...

Hi Dave. Go right ahead!

Just two things-

1. Send me a copy of your monologue ( before you do it.

2. Let me know how it went...what kind of reaction you got.
