Friday, October 17, 2008

Rush Limbaugh "At Least Sarah Palin Isn't Causing Global Warming.."

This is a transcript between Rush Limbaugh and a woman who says she's undecided because she just can't get over the Palin stumbling block. Why? Because Sarah Palin is the worst vice presidential pick in the history of ever? Because she's refusing to talk to the media? Because she's the faux-folksy hockey mom from hell?

No. "Because she hunts wolves."

Witness Rush Limbaugh's convoluted (to say the very very least) response:

RUSH: Do you realize that the cattle industry kills more steers in a day than Sarah Palin has in her life? And when you went outside the last time was the sun shining?

CALLER: No, actually it was raining outside.

RUSH: But it was light when it was supposed to be light?


RUSH: And of course rain is good for plants and animals, they drink it and they grow and they replenish themselves. What's the temperature in Atlanta today?

CALLER: I couldn't tell you.

RUSH: Well, is it hot or is it warm, is it cold --

CALLER: It's warm. It's warm.

RUSH: So the animals that Sarah Palin's killing have not caused temperatures to plunge where you live, you're getting needed rain --

CALLER: What about the polar ice caps, though?

RUSH: Georgia's been in a drought so you're getting needed rain in Atlanta, you admit that you eat beef. Do you eat vegetables, which are just plants?


RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: But my point is, I'm not concerned -- I mean --

RUSH: You mentioned the polar ice caps. The polar ice caps are growing. We got a report yesterday that two glaciers in Alaska are larger than they've been in years, and the meteorologists say it's the coldest winter. But you're being sold a bill of goods on a political agenda, Ren. Start thinking for yourself and use common sense. The bottom line is you and I could not destroy, nor could Sarah Palin, the ecosystem of the planet if we tried.

It's warm! That's good! Oh, wait, I mean, no; rain is good! Rain's a sign of health! Beef! You eat beef. So does Sarah Palin. You and her, you're basically the same person. She hunts, you should hunt. Do you eat your vegetables? So does she.

Buck up, young environmentalist! You and I and Sarah Palin can cut down as many trees as we want and it still won't really do anything.

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