This has got to be one of the stupidest blog posts I've ever read.
The whole idea is that no band really cares about making music. They care about striking it big and getting lots of praise from self-important bloggers. This is vast, vast, meaningless existence crapola...resulting from the over-competitive nature of the American art world. Who the fuck cares about getting blogged by pitchfork? If that's what you and your band really care about, maybe you shouldn't even be in this scene.
Pitchfork bores the crap out of me in general. it doesn't speak for me or anyone i know. i don't know how it's gotten so out of hand.
I think you are missing the point of the article in question.
It's talking about something real, but it's also critiquing it.
it's cynicism deployed in service of the possibility of renewed idealism.
Is it real?
I'm not a music blogger, and I'm not in a band, but I take fault with the idea that the media operates in this blindless, un-self-critical way where they simply laud a meme because they've seen the meme somewhere else. Yes, Molly, there is plenty of room for cynicism in art criticism in any arena, but here I think it's misplaced.
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