Friday, June 5, 2009

Jewish Racism

These students are an embarrassment to Judaism, even if the filmmaker's intentions are suspect. I am sad that Jewish people- drunk, stoned, American, Israeli, young, dumb, whatever-would respond this way to a documentary filmmaker. I also encountered a fair amount of bigotry in Israel that shocked me. However, I encounter a fair amount of bigotry in America...every day...and even in Seattle. Bigotry is awful, unsettling, disgusting wherever you find it. And it's everywhere.


Neal said...

Drunk people say stupid shit. I'm not as troubled as you are by this, but I'm not sure why. It's a gut response, I guess, or lack thereof, on my part. I've acted like an idiot while drunk, just not (as far as I know and have been told) like a racist idiot. When I see some backwards-baseball-cap-wearing dude blabbing into the camera about his grandmother's concentration-camp number, I just want to laugh. It's hard for me to take that seriously, even though maybe I should.

Steven Blum said...

I agree there's some ironic detachment going on here but still: invoking aushwitz? calling him a nazi? a terrorist?

genmaichai said...


Michael Strangeways said...




a certain tutor named Chelsea would be very "emberessed" if she found out one of her students didn't know how to use spellcheck...

Steven Blum said...

I just have NO idea what you're talking about.