...Once dating came about, being popular with the ladies meant you were a big man on campus. And to attract more of these big men, the frat brothers had to identify the would-be campus hunks in their applicant pool. You know, without other dudes thinking they were queer.
Thus frat boys overcompensated for their "shared living, bathing, sleeping and erotic hazing practice," which "might be perceived by outsiders as either feminine or gay behavior," by promoting a culture "that takes aggressive heterosexuality as one of its constitutive elements."
I never realized that a fraternity rush is basically America's Next Top Model for straight dudes. Of course, times have also changed the ways guys look at each other, and there's more of an acceptance now that even straight men can appreciate another man's hotness. And many are now smart enough to link "aggressive heterosexuality" to closeted homosexuality.
You should provide an update with your thoughts on plans by GW frat boys to lessen homophobia for Greeks. Now.
I've always found it a little funny how homophobic men seem to think that "being gay is feminine" and therefore, by extension, inherently "bad." Of course, this doesn't mean effeminate gay men have anything WRONG with them, but the fact that most men ARE at least fairly masculine makes it hard to square the idea that to BASH gays is to "keep up masculine appearances" or some sh*t.
When you think about it, intimate gay acts between 2 "normal" men CAN BE (at least in theory) THE MOST MASCULINE THING POSSIBLE! It's the ULTIMATE in male bonding. So while I don't really concern myself too much with "how feminine"/"how masculine" I am or someone else is, the idea that being gay is somehow "inherently feminine" or makes you a "Nancy Boy" is ludicrous.
It's theoretically "2 masculinities coming together" (pun intended?). If anything, intimate gay bonding between frat bothers would seem to ONLY STRENGTHEN their relationships, and I'm not sure how that's "feminine by default." It's just a very weird dynamic that so-called macho, heterosexual men have created that's totally FICTIONAL and makes no logical sense.
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