Can you believe it?? CAN YOU?? I CAN'T! I was just talking to my friend Jeremy about this. I was having a very wayward youth moment. Forgive the Daria-esque deadpan. "I've gotta do stuff when I graduate, you know... be things." "You don't have to graduate to be things" "Yes I do Jeremy, that's why I spent so much money on this."
But seriously guys. The following is a tentative list of future accomplishments:
cure youth in asia
save the pigeons
cut twigs on all the trees so they don't bring hurt to people's eyes.
teach old people how to sext
bring back the clog
eliminate all awkward pauses, fill in the dead noise with lady gaga's bad romance
cure death
It's going to be hard. But that's why I'm getting my B.A. in English.
But what do you DO with a BA in English? What is your life going to be?
emily...thank you so much for the feedback! So kind. I've always wondered if my writing was really being appreciated, and now I know: it's helping people with their thesis (thesi? plural?). Were you going to write your paper about the sexting or the clogs?
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