Monday, August 18, 2008

John Stewart: The Most Trusted Man in TV News?

The New York Times has a love note for John Stewart this morning.

I think the most interesting part of the article is when we're offered a look at the daily anger, shock, and dismay that provides creative fuel for the writers.

The day begins with a morning meeting where material harvested from 15 TiVos and even more newspapers, magazines and Web sites is reviewed. That meeting, Mr. Stewart said, “would be very unpleasant for most people to watch: it’s really a gathering of curmudgeons expressing frustration and upset, and the rest of the day is spent trying to mask or repress that through whatever creative devices we can find.

1 comment:

Michael Strangeways said...

Stephen Bloom,

It's JON Stewart.

You need to hire a proofreader.

Jon Stewart is Yahweh.


Mr Strangeways