Everyone hates University Village. I know you do, anonymous internet reader. "The village", as it's collectively called by locals who suck, is a big grotesque herpes sore on the ravenna neighborhood and everyone knows it. Recently overheard conversations at University Village included the words "Aspen" and "Botox", the sentance "can't wear this after labor day," and the expression "aww tear."
University Village makes me want to throw up on myself.
(and this is a big HOWEVER)
The University Village Apple Store is the best place to meet gay people in all of Seattle. The salesmen are gay, the customers are gay, the advertising on the wall is gay. The store might as well just put a gigantic upside down pink triangle under it's apple logo and designate itself to be a "safe space" for the gay (and the lesbian? Though maybe not...)
My salesmen was wearing a light blue shirt and had a delightfully highlighted hair cut. He asked me a bunch of questions but I didn't listen because I was too busy staring at his hair. After he was done with my order, he went to join all the other young attractive gay male salespeople in the back of the store. What they do back there, god knows, but it was probably something awful gay.
GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY. If you're a gay, go there. NOW.
We're close to April 1st, so I appreciate the appreciate the joke! Ahh...maybe you were serious?
Oh shiz, i think i might be said employee... >.> are you sure it was light blue cuz im the only one with highlighted hair really, and i wear a darker blue...
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