Saturday, May 24, 2008

People Falling on Seattle Monorail

The monorail was packed today, 'cause of folklife, and when the engine started, an Indian man who was standing behind me fell down on to someone behind him.

He was okay, and laughed a little bit at himself. Then a woman next to him, who was wearing a tie die shirt, spent the rest of the ride complaining about how there were no handlebars on the monorail. She was sorta talking to the reflection of herself in the window, because most people weren't paying attention to her.

It seemed she had a reasonable complaint (the people that were standing were gripping the cracks monorail's ceiling with their fingers and positioning their feet like they were snowboarding), but then I realized there are probably only 4 days during the year when people have to stand up on their monorail, because, you know, usually there's no one on 'em. But..yeah...handlebars or more poles would make things safer.

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