Thursday, July 10, 2008

Amy Winehouse's Crack House

Today brought a new Rolling Stone to my house, where I spent about 1.2 seconds staring at shirtless Bonnaroo hippies, before turning to the story I'd been waiting to read...the story on Amy Winehouse's Kingdom-sized personal and career implosion.

When asked about what kind of album she's going to record next, Amy responds:

"[the songs] will be all cool and atmospheric.... like 'whaaaaaaaa'"

Then, as Amy's trying to show the reporter something on her scratched up, meth-burnt computer, up pops a picture of Amy with a cell phone in one hand and a gigantic cock in her mouth. Amy's friend and the reporter respond with uncomfortable silence.

"Amy is a very special kind of person," says Amy's friend, Nicole, to the reporter.

"Special needs," Amy mumbles.

The whole depressing, morbid peek can be found here.

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