Monday, April 14, 2008

All the Cat Nip News That's Fit to Print

A couple days ago I was on the P.I's website, you know, perusing, and I came across their blogs page. For a second, a split second, I contemplated submitting this blog to be part of the P.I. blog family, because I want more people to read my shit.

Then I, uh, actually looked at what kind of blogs they were publishing:

Frantic Foodie

Farm Fresh Family

The Biz Bite (Boosting business)

Parenting with Pizazz

So much alliteration!

And I haven't even gotten to the pets section:

Canine Voice (Dogs)

Cat Lady

Cat Staff

Catnip Connection (Cats)

Dogaholics (Pet photos)

Film Hound (Animals & the Cinema)

Horsebytes (Horses)

Open Your Heart with Pets

Paws Fur Thought (!)

I get it, I get it, the PI wants to put the readers in control. They want you to feel like you're part of the action. So, go on, post your blog about your cat on our paper's website. No, really, its practically like working here. Your blog audience numbers will jump, totally jump. You'll be famous!

No thanks, P.I. I'd rather get a staph infection in my nose than have my blog wedged between Neurotic Knitter and Blooming Boomer. And your template is a bit passe.

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