Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Beverly Blum Email of the Day

Subject: Write. Skype, Call. I need a Steven fix. do something. I read your blog.

We are soo happy that you called. And we're thrilled you're
having a great time. You said " call me back". ONE PROBLEM -WE
DON'T HAVE YOUR PHONE NO. Is it a Communist plot? no. Is
it a problem of communication. I guess so. Please e-mail us your
phone no. That would be heavenly. Unless it is a Communist plot.
Or something. speaking of heaven, I forgot to tell you -PBS is
running a series on Jewish Americans. And Tony Kushner is on it
a great deal. It's nice to see what he looks like. He
talks about his immigrant grandparents. The series is a little fluffy and
not too good. Call again.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

The S stands for S said...

Hee hee. You have cute/funny parents. Your Dad called the Stranger the other day and I answered some questions for him. It was a fun chat. :D